Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tale of 2 Cities

Haven't read any more of Scar Tissue since my last post, but I started A Tale of Two Cities for Mr Clough's class today. First of all I have no idea where we are in this book so thats bad right off the start. Secondly, because school is pretty close to being out I am in no way interested in reading a 400 page book about God knows what. You'd think he'd give us a break and give us an easy read, but no, here's another 400 page book for you to read and oh yeah, you should be at page 100 by now. And besides that, I just spent an hour on Jefferson stuck in traffic. I don't know who the idiot is that decided to do construction on Jefferson, Abiote Center, and Illinios all at the same time, but I want to punch him/her in the face. Hopefully this is a long enough post. I should probably read more.
Not my cat but I thought it was pretty cool of the owner to make him a helmet.

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