Monday, April 26, 2010

The last hundred pages of Scar Tissue have been pretty much the same as the first hundred. Anthony is still battling his addiction to drugs and alcohol, and his band is doing very well in the industry. He's having sex with pretty much every girl he meets and somehow doesn't get any of them pregnant. Can't figure that one out. But overall not a bad book so far. Since I pretty much grew up on the Red Hot Chili Peppers, I don;t feel like I'm learning too much new stuff about them yet, hopefully the book gets into the actual band soon. Just like Pearl Jam, my brother introduced me to them at a very young age, and they grew on me. I don't know much of their old stuff with Hillel, but everything from Mother's Milk to Stadium Arcadium I'm pretty familiar with.
Is it just me or does the drummer look like Will Ferrell?

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