Sunday, April 18, 2010

Scar Tissue 2

Scar Tissue keeps getting better and better. Not only is Keidis talking about his life growing up in Cali, but now he's finally getting into how the band formed and what their inspiration was. I guess alot of people have read and like this book so now I'm one of them. Nothing else has happened really besides that so far, I mean i haven't really read too much since my last post.
My brother introduced me to the Red Hot Chili Peppers when I was first getting into music around age 6 or so. He's been a huge influence in my life, so I wanted to like the kind of music he did. Eventually they started to grow on me and I began liking them for their sound instead of attempting to have similar tastes as my brother. His name is Matt by the way. I'm very glad he introduced me to them at such an early age.
Not sure who this baby is. Picture came with the computer.

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