Sunday, March 28, 2010

None Too Fragile

Today I finished the Kite Runner. It turned out that Amir and Hassan were brothers and somehow didn't know it. Amir goes back home to get his nephew from the Taliban. He meets Assef there, the dude that raped Hassan, and has to fight him for the kid. Assef beats the junk out of Amir but then the kid takes his slingshot and shoots Assef in the face, actually the eye I think. So, they get away and eventually go back to America where Amir and his wife adopt the kid and everything turns out great. In the end, Amir and the kid have a kite battle with a random kid, and when Amir cuts the other kid's kite, he runs after it just like Hassan used to.
I went to te library and picked up my next book called None Too Fragile. It's a biography about Pearl Jam and lead singer Eddie Vedder. Hopefully it's as good as I'm hoping, since I love Pearl Jam. I'll be starting it later today.
Random fact: I remember buying Pearl Jam's first cd, Ten, on September 11, 2001 when I was in third grade. I was actually listening to it when I found out about the Twin Towers. So for me Pearl Jam is associated with the worst day in my generation's lifetime, but oh well, I still like them alot.

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