Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Stuff

I am definitely not liking this website so far, or blogging in general for that matter. It took me forever to figure erverything out and I'm sure there's tons of other stuff I need figure out. Thank god I have nothing else to do today. Ohio State in playing right now, so I'm kind of half watching them and half doing this. Go bucks.
I'm about 50 pages into the Kite Runner, which is actually pretty good so far. Not exactly sure what "kite running" is yet, but hopefully they'll explain that soon. I'm not really connecting with this book so far, it's just really easy to read. I guess i can picture the super skinny Indian kids the author describes, but other than that, I've got nothing. Apparently this book is over 400 pages, so I'm not particularly looking forward to that, probably the longest book I've read so far.
Although the osu game is tied, Ohio State looks pretty good. Hopefully they can pull this one off, otherwise it'd be a huge upset. Not quite as big of a let down as Kansas though, suck it KU fans. I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict Ohio State in the final 4, with Kansas out of the way, it shouldn't be that farfetched. I guess that's a pretty good first bog. Hopefully figuring this site out gets easier.

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