Thursday, June 3, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird (Pages 175-259)

Scout has just found her old friend Dill hiding under the bed one night after Atticus has yelled at her. She learns that he ran away beacause his mom and dad didn't pay enough attention to him at all. When Atticus learns that Dill is here, he thinks it over and lets him stay. I think Atticus understands where Dill is coming from and gets why he ran away in the first place. Because of that, he lets the situation play out. They give Dill food and let him stay the night at their house, but not without telling Dill's aunt about where is really is. One night, the kids sneak out and find Atticus sitting in front of Tom Robinson's jail cell reading a magazine. He is there to protect Tom from an angry mob he suspects will show up sometime in the night. As the kids watch, the mob arrives including Bob Ewell and Mr. Cunningham. They have a little bit of a stand off, but not much happens besides that. Atticus convinces them to go home, not knowing that Mr. Underwood had him covered with a shotgun the entire time. This again shows how good of a guy Atticus is.
Dill running away from home and staying the night at his friend's house makes me think of elementary school when it was cool to have official sleep overs. My friends and I would go over to each other's houses every weekend and do fun stuff all night. Of course, we were little so we our bedtime was naturally around 9 or so. Regardless, we always found a way to have a good time, and I feel like Dill is only trying to do the same thing, while also searching for people who love him.

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