Thursday, May 27, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird (Pages 43-97)

Just got to the part where Jem loses his pants when he jumps over Boo Radley's fence. I had forgotten about that part, but it made me laugh out loud when I read it again. It makes me think of a time we were in Ohio visiting some relatives for a BBQ at one of their houses. This was probably ten years ago now, so I was about seven. We were playing kickball in the backyard and the ball went over the fence into the neighbor's yard. The neighbors had a big scary looking dog that we thought was chained up to its doghouse. So, all my cousins convinced me to hop the fence and go get the ball. We were wrong about the dog being chained up. As soon as I picked up the ball I heard barking and started running for the fence to hop back over it. Just as I reached the fence the dog had reached out and bit me....on the buttocks. Pretty embarrassing, but I'm sure I cried alot. Then there was this big ordeal about finding out if the dog had rabies or something. I don't remember that part. But, that day was no fun. At least I got a good story out of it. For some reason, Jem losing his pants made me remember that day where I hopped a fence, and got bit by that big dog.

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