Monday, May 31, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird (Pages 163-175)

I'm at the point where the trial is taking place, and it's getting intense. The second time I've read this book, I'm realizing how great of a lawyer Attticus really is, and what a good person he is also. Bob Ewell is called to the stand and Atticus makes him sign his name, then he notes which hand he writes with. He notes that Bob is left-handed, and that the bruises on his daughter's face were on the right side. Only a good lawyer would even think to bring that kind of evidence to the courtroom. He makes Scout proud with his great tactics. I'm impressed with how good of a man he truely is.
This Isn't just some Judge Judy case that Atticus is trying to win. He's trying to fight for an innocent man's life. To me, that is the greatest accomplishment one can achieve, saving another at the cost of yourself and your reputation. Atticus gives up his reputation to defend a man he knows is innocent. Not every person can say they've done that for someone. That makes Atticus a great man.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird (Pages 97-163)

Just finished part one of To Kill A Mockingbird, and made it a few chapters into part two. So far, nothing new is really sticking out for me from reading it for a second time. I'm connecting with a few parts of the book more because of personal experiences, but nothing new in terms of things I felt while reading it the first time. I'm remembering growing up being a major theme in this novel, and I'm seeing more and more of it with every chapter I read. Although Scout is getting into fights at school over kids making fun of her dad, I can see her growing as a person with more moral values. How is it that kids can sometimes see what grown ups can't? Scout realizes how bad it is to treat people differently because of the color of their skin, yet adults remain oblivious to the damage their doing. This also illustrates the innocence of childhood. So pure and filled with love, Scout is learning to respect others more.
This weekend we had some relatives over and we opened our pool. It's been super nice outside, so my sister and I have also started running more. We're planning to run a marathon at the end of the summer, so we better start training now.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird (Pages 43-97)

Just got to the part where Jem loses his pants when he jumps over Boo Radley's fence. I had forgotten about that part, but it made me laugh out loud when I read it again. It makes me think of a time we were in Ohio visiting some relatives for a BBQ at one of their houses. This was probably ten years ago now, so I was about seven. We were playing kickball in the backyard and the ball went over the fence into the neighbor's yard. The neighbors had a big scary looking dog that we thought was chained up to its doghouse. So, all my cousins convinced me to hop the fence and go get the ball. We were wrong about the dog being chained up. As soon as I picked up the ball I heard barking and started running for the fence to hop back over it. Just as I reached the fence the dog had reached out and bit me....on the buttocks. Pretty embarrassing, but I'm sure I cried alot. Then there was this big ordeal about finding out if the dog had rabies or something. I don't remember that part. But, that day was no fun. At least I got a good story out of it. For some reason, Jem losing his pants made me remember that day where I hopped a fence, and got bit by that big dog.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird (Pages 1-43)

I'm taking a break from Catcher In the Rye to read a book that we read last year that I liked alot called To Kill A Mockingbird. I remember this being the first book that I actually got into, well at least out of all the books we've read for school. Not sure whether it's the suspense, or the morals in it, but something about it has stuck with me since last year. Enough for me to want to read it more in depth. Hopefully the book is even better a second time around. Mr. Radley also reminds me of someone very close to me.
He reminds me of my next door neighbor who recently died from a stroke. He was always very kind to everyone, and although a little more outgoing than Boo Radley, he had the same humble atmosphere about him. I have mowed their lawn every summer for the last seven years, and still do it even though he's gone. Maybe he's the reason this book has left such an impression on me. He was everything I hope to be when I get older, he was an overall cool guy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Catcher In the Rye (Pages 170-185)

Holden goes home to see his sister, and to hide from his parents. His sister's name is Phoebe and she's real young, I think he said 6 or 7 years old. She gets mad at him when he tells her that he quit school, but they dnace and have a good time anyway. It seems that no matter what happens in each of their lives, nothing will ever tear them apart.
I can relate to that with my siblings. I feel like there's not a thing they can do that would do anything to effect our relationships. They're my best friends and I would do anything for them. We're all watching Ricky Bobby right now, as a matter of fact. We don't have to do much togther, we just enjoy each other's company. I think that's the case with Holden and his little sister Phoebe.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Catcher In the Rye (Pages 135-170)

I got to the point in the book that solves my questions about Mr. Lough's comic strip from my last post. It's just a brief section, but Holden is explaining to his sister that he only cares about few things. He also says that there's only one thing he would want to be when he gets older, and that is a catcher in the rye. The name of the book. Apparently he means that when a bunch of kids are playing in the rye by a cliff, he would be aqt the edge of the cliff, waiting for kids to run off course so he can catch them and prevent them from falling off the cliff. I don't really understand how that's something you can just want to do, but whatever works for him. Why can't he just be a firefighter or an astronaut? Maybe that's the point. Maybe he's a special kind of guy that only wants to help others. Anyways I have about 40 pages left so we'll see. Also, Mr Clough gave us Lord of the Flies today.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Catcher In the Rye (Pages 105-135)

The main character just got cheated into buying a hooker for more money than he thought by an elevator operator. Not sure how a kid his age legally got one in general, but oh well. Apparently they didn't even do much besides talk, but the pimp wants ten dollars when he had previously said he only wanted five dollars. This led to Holden getting punched in the face for the second time in the far. I'm predicting this kid will get punched at least another two times before the book is over.
Mr. Lough had a comic strip today with a reference to this book. I can't think of exactly what it said, but it was a reference I still don't understand. I guess I haven't gotten to that part in the book yet.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Catcher In the Rye (Pages 75-105)

This book is starting to get better, finally get it. I'm still not exactly sure what the whole point of this book is, but about half way through it, I hope the plot starts to thicken here pretty soon. It seems like Holden (the main character) is just going through life lazily and hanging out with random girls along the way. I guess that was the thing to do back then? Either way something exciting better happen soon.
There's a part in this book where Holden is hanging out in his dorm room and his roommate comes back to hang out. It reminds me of dropping my sister off for the first time at Ball State. It kinda sucked as first but after a week or so life at home wasn't so bad without her. Anyways, I used to go there for the weekend sometimes and we'd hangout in her dorm with her friends, just like they're doing in that particular chapter.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Catcher In the Rye (Pages 61-75)

The main character;s name is Holden, as I've finally found out. He is rooming at school with a big kid named Stradlater. One night, Stradlater asks him to write his paper for him, which has to be a very descriptive paper about anything such as a house or room. Holden decides to describe his brother's old baseball glove, which had a lot of poetry written on it, so he could read while he was waiting for a pitch. His brother had earlier died of leukemia.
This book isn't too bad so far. Finally starting to make sense to me, and I finally found out the main character's name was Holden. My brother told me he had read this book, so hopefully it's as good as he says it is.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Catcher In the Rye (Pages 59-61)

Iv'e only read a few pages since my last post. Been kinda busy lately, but not much has happened in the few pages I have read. This book is sort of reminding me of a combination of The Kite Runner and The Great Gatsby for some reason. Maybe it's becuase it took me a while to figure out the main character's names in those books, but the author still has yet to flat out say the main character's name, which I find strange.
Prom was last night, and it was pretty fun. My brother, who came home for the weekend, went to a wedding last night that just happened to be at The Grand Wayne Center also. We had no idea, but eventually we figured it out and he got to meet my date and everything. Pretty good night. Good thing I've never seen the movie Prom Noght, or last night would've been terrifying.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Catcher In the Rye (Pages 7-59)

Finally starting to understand Catcher In the Rye, although I couldn't tell you the main character's name. Apparently he's in some high school that has dorms for their students. He's failed out, but his parents don't know about it yet. He's going home for the week, and is hoping his mother has cooled down from the bad news by the time he gets home.
Cavs lost last night :(. Pretty mad about it. Oh well, there's always next year. As long as LeBron James sticks around.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Scar Tissue (320-465) Catcher In the Rye (1-7)

Scar Tissue is finally over with, although I liked it alot, it was pretty long. I think it was the longest book I've read so far. Just started Catcher In the Rye today, and I don't really get it so far. My sister gave me the book from a small list of books that I decided I wanted to read from her small collection. Her taste is pretty bad, but I'll give her another shot. It's a relativley short book, so it shouldn't take too long to read it. I'll give it three weeks.
Cavs are on tonight in a must-win game against Boston. We don't look too bad so far, but LeBron better step it up in the 4th quarter.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Scar Tissue was a pretty good book overall. I never realized how corrupted these guys' lives were. I remember hearing about Anthony's drug addiction mentioned in songs like "Under the Bridge," but I never realized how out of control it had gotten. I think I counted three or four trips to rehab for him. Not really sure what I'm going to read next yet, haven't really found anything that has caught my eye. I might trey to keep reading band books, but we'll see what I can find. My brother told me about a Led Zeppelin book he was reading a few months ago and said it was pretty good, maybe I'll look into that. I think it was called Hammer of the Gods?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Today is mother's day, and we got my mom some flowers and a pretty awesome balloon. She's on a diet, so we can't really take her out to eat without it being really hard for her to get something within her range of foods she can eat, but oh well. Next weekend is her birthday and Matt is coming home on Friday, so we'll probably take her out then.
I recently decided that since i've been downloading so much music that I will need an ipod that will hold more music. Not really sure how to go about selling my old ipod (ebay? craig's list?) but hopefully i get alot for it. The Cavaliers are on tv today at 3 I think. After a huge win on Friday night, I'm hoping we can put Boston away for good this time.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm so close to finishing Scar Tissue, about 75 pages left. I recently decided to start looking up some of RHCP's older stuff from the 80's and early 90's, and it's very different. Stuff from Freaky Styley and the Uplift Mofo one is pretty hardcore funk. I never knew they were friends with Geroge Clinton, who is awesome. I guess they hung out all the time and he helped them write some good music. My brother just saw Clinton in Atlanta a few weeks ago, and he said that the guy still has it. Although at this point he probably doesn't have to do much to entertain, just him being there should be enough.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Scar Tissue is for some reason taking me forever to read. It doesn't help that the book is 500 pages, but I'm interested in this kinda stuff so it shouldn't take this long. Got about 150 pages left now, and not much has changed. Anthony's back on drugs again even though he's been to rehab twice now, what's wrong with this guy? Oh well, at least he's making good music. Mom's birthday and mother's day just happen to be on the same weekend, and I have no idea what to get her. Hopefully I figure that out. Gotta love fat cats.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just got to the point in Scar Tissue where Hillel dies, apparantly of drug overdose i'm assuming. It seems that's what everyone was dying of back then. What I don't get is how Hillel got the worst of his drug addiction, when Anthony's addiction appeared to be much more dangerous and drawn out over a long period of time. I'ts amazing to me Anthony is even still here today. Either way it seems that Anthony doesn't give Hillel much of an obituary, one page he's alive, and the next he's dead. One would think he'd give him a little more recognition than that. Myabe they weren't as good of friends as people think, or maybe he just wanted that stuff to be private. Then why would he write a book? Anyways i'm almost done with the book and A Tale of Two Cities sucks so far. Oh and the Cavs won game 1 last night!